
National Inclusion Week: ‘Each One, Reach One’

National Inclusion Week – 28 Sept – 4 Oct

From 28 Sept to 4 Oct, businesses in the UK are encouraged to celebrate integration in all its form, following the theme ‘Each One, Reach One’.

What inclusion means to Davis Woolfe

Inclusion means different things to different people, so it’s important that we understand the differences between the word’s inclusion and diversity, which are often used together. For me, diversity is about the workforce as a whole, and inclusion is about ensuring that employees, irrespective of their ethnicity, identity or condition, can fulfil their true potential.

As humanity wakes up to the degree of discrimination that occurs in every walk of life and field of business, and the endless challenges that hold back disadvantaged marginalised communities, many are realising that they actively need to help.  We need to focus on tangible action, rather than just ticking boxes or filling in questionnaires, if we are to see true, meaningful change.

I am proud to say that diversity and inclusion is at the top of the agenda at Davis Woolfe.  As an inclusive organisation we work with and around our people, we embrace ‘Each One’ so that there is no negative discrimination, making sure we have time to listen to each other and seek alternative views.  The greater mix of people, the greater value of different schools of thought, capabilities, knowledge, insights and perspectives. Making sure all our staff feel equally valued is vital to our success and paramount to our values.

When the present crisis comes to an end, we need to ensure that the doors are open to the next generation of talent and that they remain open, we need to embrace and appreciate all of our differences in all of its forms. We must not only imagine a genuinely inclusive business but actively build one that is.

If you would like to discuss anything relating to this article, please contact Marie-Claire Byrne at [email protected]